Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that range from extreme highs (mania or hypomania) to extreme lows (depression). It affects millions of people worldwide and can be extremely debilitating when left untreated. People living with bipolar disorder experience a range of symptoms that can interfere with their daily lives, including difficulty concentrating, irritability, lack of energy, suicidal thoughts, dramatic shifts in mood, energy levels, and activity levels, leading to episodes of mania and depression. These episodes can vary in severity and duration, making it a complex and challenging condition to navigate. Mania, the manic phase of bipolar disorder, is characterized by an intense euphoria, heightened energy levels, and a decreased need for sleep. During this phase, individuals may engage in impulsive behaviors, experience racing thoughts, and have an inflated sense of self-confidence. On the other e...